PR Communication: NEWS Taiwan Concert Related Activities


As many of NEWS fans are aware, NEWS will be hosting their concert in
Taipei, Taiwan on October 6 and October 7, 2007. As this will be their first concert tour ever that is not hosted in Japan, and after what NEWS has experienced last year in 2006, we would like to coordinate with as many NEWS fans as possible throughout the world and show our most sincere supports to NEWS.


The series of activities proposed below are initiated by many Taiwanese and Chinese NEWS and Johnny’s Forums. The purposes of these activiteis are (1) to make NEWS and Johnny’s aware that there are also many NEWS fans outside of Japan or Asia, throughout the world, and (2) to show our support and love to NEWS, to encourage them to perform their best as always.


The proposed activity is to write and send positive and supportive messages, along with our love and appreciation to NEWS. The messages will strictly be presented in the following two formats, and in the following two formats only:


  • Hand-crafted Origami star (using colored paper): as each of the eight (8) members of NEWS is represented by a different color, the paper stars with messages will also need to be color-coded with THE matching color of each member for better distinguishing purposes. The messages shall be written on the outside of the hand-crafted stars for easy reading. The tips, procedures, and instructions to make the Origami stars (and other related information, such as the size of the paper, etc.) has been posted on the following blog, which was created to support the communication for NEWS Concert related activities.

Size of the color paper: 15cm x 15cm

Color assigned to NEWS members as listed below; however, please still write the member’s name on the Origami stars for easy idenfication:  

山下智久  Yamashita Tomoshisa     Pink

錦戶 亮  Nishikido Ryo            Blue

小山慶一郎 Koyama Keiichiro        Brownish Yellow (Khaki)

手越祐也  Tegoshi Yuya            Green

增田貴久  Masuda Takahisa          Yellow

加藤成亮  Kato Shigeaki         Purple

內 博貴  Uchi Hiroki           Red

草野博紀  Kusano Hironori           Orange 


The completed Origami stars with messages can be mailed to the PO Box address listed below in Taiwan directly; for participants in US, please email to obtain a US domestic mailing address to remitting the Origami stars:

P.O.BOX 9-49 Tainan 
Tainan County

Attn: Chen Hsien Shih

Again, it is preferred that participants mail the completed Origami stars back to the PO BOX address in Taiwan listed above, to avoid lost time in transistion.  

  • Message DVD: Another form to gather fans’ message to NEWS is to utilize a regulated, pre-designed electronic templates file for the fans to fill in their messages. The electronic template is currently still being designed and finalized; once it is ready, it will be sent out electronically as well. After the electronic files are gathered, they will be transformed onto DVD disc(s) for convenient preservation and easy viewing. We also hope this DVD format would be more convenient for NEWS members to view the messages from fans whenever they have free time, and the messages from fans would help with building confidence and restore power. The tips, procedures, and instructions to make and personalize the template (and other related information) will be posted on the communication blog (as blog as provided above) when the template is finalized.

Once your personalized templates with your messages to NEWS are completed, please email the electronic file(s) to this email: (please note that this email address actually is for ALL the participants to submit the electronic files for the DVD Message; the other email address mentioned previously is solely for FOREIGN participants only to ask questions or seek for help.)


If you are interested to send your message(s) to NEWS by making the hand-crafted Origami stars or through the Message DVD, it is strongly suggested to create messages (either on the Origami stars or the electronic templates) for ALL EIGHT (8) NEWS members, instead of just writing to a specific NEWS member. If you choose to only create message(s) to certain members (not all the members), please note that there might be chance that your work and message will NOT be included with the results and accomplishment being sent to NEWS and Johnny’s.


Also, according to our initial ideas, we would like to present the messages to NEWS in Japanese as much as possible. Therefore, please utilize translation talents from your forum to write the messages in Japanese as your or your forum’s ability allows. Writing messages in simple, easy-to-understand English is also a way around this situation. If members of your forum absolutely need assistance in translation, they can utilize this BBS website/online message board link: to post the message(s) that need to be translated. Members of the organization group of this activity will regularly check the messages and provide translation assistance accordingly. Or, you can email (strictly for foreign participants of this project) directly with your message, and translation assistance will be provided accordingly. 


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